Webidz Reviews – Is This Site a
Webidz.com is an online auction site that frankly I
found a bit confusing. I hit the about us link but it came up blank. I checked out the FAQ page and found that this
is an online market place that has very few fees. Before bidding at any auction, you should read our
free Auction Tutorial Guide to reduce mistakes and secure the lowest
price possible.
There are a lot of things that I just don't like
about this site. First off the layout just really does not work for me. Of course it is free but honestly I like
some glitz from a site and I like to see a polished professional site when I am getting ready to do business with a
site. Probably a better source for find a deal online is using a service like AuctionResource.org.
Other Things I Don't Like
Here is what I found on this site that I did not
like. No one has to be verified to sell on this site, it is an option. If a seller wishes to be verified than they
can pay the $4.95 to do so. I hate to be a nay sayer but really in this day and age it is simply not safe to do
business that way.
People spend long times plotting how to scam people
on the internet, even if a site is free for me anyway it is far better to pay a fee than it is to do business with
someone that has not been verified to be the person they claim they are. Oh sure some people will argue that if you
use PayPal to make your payment you have the PayPal to protect you. PayPal is a good safety net but they can take
weeks to settle your claim for a payment that you made and did not receive goods for, which means you will be out
that money until that settlement in made.
There are ads everywhere which makes things confusing
and which I do not like. I do not imagine that support is really forth coming given the fact that the site is free
to sell and buy on.
Overall, Webidz.com is a legit site and is not a scam
although there are better alternatives available.
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Contribution By J Thompson