OnlineAuctionScams.org provides consumers free reviews on the latest online auction sites. Not sure if a site is legit or a scam? Read the independent reviews from consumers who have actually tried these sites and give actually customer feedback.
Propertyroom.com Review. The Propertyroom reviews show that this is a legit site and is not a scam.
Govdeals.com Review. Is Govdeals a legit site or a scam? The Govdeals.com reviews show that this site auctions off government surplus items. There is no fee for a buyer to register but there is a probation period that is involved when you register as a buyer. This website is not open to the general public to sell their items.
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Bid4assests.com is a website that is dedicated to auctioning off real property. This website lists property that is for sale from a host of different sources. There is property that is being listed by private owners, agents, tax offices, real estate companies and other sources.
Webidz.com is an online auction site that frankly I found a bit confusing. I hit the about us link but it came up blank. I checked out the FAQ page and found that this is an online market place that has very few fees.
Dealdash Review. Is Dealdash.com legit or a scam? The Dealdash.com review shows that this is another penny auction site. The site was launched in February of 2009 and is billed as the longest running penny auction site in the industry. The website offers items for fractions of the cost.
Bidfun.com Review. Is Bidfun a scam or is it a legit site? The site is really nothing to write home to mom about. It was not that interesting and nothing really caught my eye on the landing page. There were a bunch of items but beyond that nothing said to me stay sit around for awhile.
Quibids.com Review. Is Quibids a scam or is it a legit site? The Quibids.com review shows that this is another penny auction site. Participation in a penny auction requires that you purchase bids to use at the auction.
Beezid.com Reviews. Is Beezid a scam or a legit site? The Beezid.com review shows that this is a website that is a penny auction site. As far as penny auction sites go, beezid.com is clearly one of the best there is.
Auctionresource.org Review. Is Auctionresource.org legit or a scam? Auctionresource.org is probably the most trusted auction listing service on the web with listing to over 4000 online auctions.
Foreclosure.com Reviews. Does anyone know if Foreclosure.com is legit or a scam? At foreclosure.com you pay for the ability to access the database that they have created that lists foreclosures around the country. The database is advertised as being up to the minute.
Yachtsalvage.com Reviews. Is Yachtsalvage.com a legit website or a total scam? Anyone have any complaints about Yachtsalvage.com?
Copart.com Review. Is Copart a scam or is it legit? Copart.com is an auction website that sells cars. This site has been a staple for car parts for a long time
Bidcactus.com Review. Does anyone know if Bidcactus is a legit site or a scam?
Bigdeal.com Review. Is Bigdeal.com a scam or is it legit.
Auction.com Reviews. Is Auction.com legit or a scam? Auction.com is a real estate auction website that offers properties from just about every realm of the Real Estate world. Auction.com is not a unique site by any means but it may be one of the oldest sites by far.
Webstore.com Reviews. Is Webstore a legit site or is it a scam? Webstore.com is a unique online marketplace. At webstore.com you can buy and sell items without paying any fees at all. This can be a great opportunity if you are trying to unload some goods and not have to pay to do it.
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